Blog: Making Your Mark Green Report
Springs Dance Company, April 2024

As a company we are making every effort to be as green as possible to protect the environment in which we live and serve.
We have written this blog to share the actions that we are taking.
We aspire to learn more about how we can be more environmentally responsible and aware, and so for our latest project we also collected data relating to our environmental impact to inform our policies and future practice.
Our project, Making Your Mark, took place in early 2024 and received Arts Council England National Lottery funding. Making Your Mark was a good opportunity for us to start a new project being planet aware, and so we made the following choices:
1. We always chose public transport where possible.
As our artists travelled varying and sometimes long distances to work on the project; we booked their travel by public transport as much as possible.
We made sure that the work that we were making did not rely on heavy props, set, lighting equipment or special flooring. This meant that almost all long journeys could be made by train.
We estimate that we saved more than 1 tonne of CO2e by using public transport. (LNER Calculator).
2. We shared journeys when possible.
For short journeys and local commuting, we walked or shared cars and taxis.
3. We met online when possible.
For planning meetings that did not need to be in person (and incur additional travel), we met online to discuss the project and any preparations to be made.
4. We avoided stage lighting and large amplifiers.
This had an artistic impact as the choreography therefore had to rely on movement and a single small sound system. We can’t always do this for every show, but we started our new project with the aim to have a go at creating dance without the need for lighting effects and high-powered sound systems.
5. We kept to the minimum set and props list.
Similarly, to keep travel possible by public transport or on foot, we aimed to keep props and set to fit in a suitcase. We didn’t manage this on all rehearsal and workshop days, but by the end of the project we had managed to create a show that fits all the props, costumes and technical equipment in a few suitcases.
6. We recycled materials used such as paper.
We used a good deal of unbleached paper rolls for the workshops. These were recycled at appropriate places.
7. We rented and shared accommodation as a team.
Contributing to the local economy and minimising long travel, we stayed in accommodation near to where we would rehearse, teach and perform each week of the project.
8. Our team cooked together and made shared lunches.
Cooking and eating together was enjoyable and inclusive, with the team preparing (mostly) vegetarian and allergy-friendly food that everyone could enjoy together.
The team also made shared lunches from leftovers.
By eating this way, we kept carbon, energy and water use to a minimum for cooking as well as shopping trips and had fun along the way.
9. We performed in local venues and invited school children.
By performing locally, almost all attendees walked to the performances.
10. We worked locally to our company office and with local professionals alongside those that came from further afield.
While the artistic team travelled from further afield, our Company Manager and Project Managers are based locally, and we chose to work with professionals from the region.

In addition to the actions above, we signed up to Julie's Bicycle: Creative Climate Tools.
We are choosing to voluntarily analyse and calculate our emissions per project, to paint a picture of awareness and impact, highlighting our considered contributions to reducing carbon footprint where possible and continuing to approach future projects with best practice and care for our environment.
For the first time, we were able to calculate our carbon footprint (2 tonnes of CO2e for this project) and gather a picture of our environmental impact using the data we collected regarding:
- Energy use
- Waste generation
- Recycling
- Travel
- Production materials
Reflections, actions, and targets for future projects
- We will continue to make conscious decisions that will ensure a low carbon footprint using lessons learned from this project.
- We tried to make well informed choices for this project, using lessons learned from previous projects.
- For future projects that take place in larger spaces, we should replace our older lighting and sound systems with more energy efficient ones. We have raised some of the funds needed to make this happen but need further investment to make our stage equipment greener.
- We have signed up to Julie's Bicycle newsletter to hear of updates in reporting and information to support more green ways of working.
- Regarding data analysis; data collection and analysis are time consuming and the time for this needs to be considered in future funding applications. We plan to request travel data from audiences in order to inform our data analysis, as well as support future funding applications and highlight our commitment to a greener approach per project.
- Make environmental policies and green credentials high in the agenda in our partnerships.
Making Your Mark was supported by Arts Council England National Lottery funding, Dance East, Suffolk Libraries, Norfolk Libraries, Magic Acorns, The National Literacy Trust, Enjoy Great Yarmouth and Lowestoft Rising Cultural Education Partnerships, CBM Associates Consulting Ltd and the Supporters of Springs Dance Company.